Assuring technology investment returns

for your company!

Time-to-Value is Our Objective

We address the time-to-value in technology firms who must resolve problems and operate more effectively & efficiently.  We apply our proven-problem-solving-process approach to leverage our experience to rapidly find your solution and help you deploy it.  Our approach always includes your team since you must have a stronger presence when we are done.  Our job is to help them through the challenges and feel the ownership of the go-forward thinking.  We believe the objective is to drive value sooner on your business horizon recommending and helping your Team make the needed changes to their operational functions, processes, and uses of technologies.

Architecting, building, and delivering the solutions are the most common gaps between great sales efforts and customer references...fall into one of these gaps...and even your best sales people can't fix it.  

We will help you avoid the potholes and take your Team for the Time to their next destination.

Download a copy of the annotated model.

Focusing on Time-to-Value

How to overcome the operational challenges that limit growth expectations for the external or internal investor requires focus.  The Team capabilities, their velocity of work and knowledge growth can be joined with an Advisor Advantage Company 3-Step Plan to drive them to your expected operational performance. 

The key performance areas (KPA's) need to be aligned as well as supported by key performance indicators (KPI's) needed to tell you where you really are today and everyday going forward!  Without that you have already arrived.

External or internal funding requires KPIs to assure the existing or next investment and your valuation are growing at or above anticipated returns.  If you are an Angel, VC, or internal investor (CEO)....this is likely your expectation with your funding.  It's not just booked sales, revenue, and or's the operational metrics-that-matter that tell if this is a one-time or many-time investment opportunity.

One or more of the Key Performance Areas (KPA) listed may be the current challenge hindering the funding value to its highest appreciation in the time-frame proposed to the investors.  The capability of the existing product management or development and or services team to overcome the challenge and meet the deadlines is usually seen symptomatically as missed product delivery dates, lack of key product functionality, prolonged implementation timelines, and most frequently unhappy early customers.  

Understanding and knowing how to identify the true problem - not the symptoms listed above - creating the unexpected results takes experience and the pain of having been through it before.  Advisor Advantage Company partner experience in both successes and failures will be applied to your challenges reducing the drag on the operation and pushing it toward the anticipated time-to-value time-frame.

Our 3-Step Success Services provide an umbrella or targeted approach to your challenges!